Fitness for Duty Evaluation Coordination
Employers have always been charged with the responsibility of keeping employees and customers “safe”. Given the frequency of workplace violence incidents, this responsibility is even more significant than ever before. In an effort to assist our companies in preventing a tragic event from occurring in their workplace, we offer “Psychological Fitness for Duty Coordination” and consultation. Our Fitness for Duty Coordination Services include:
Consultation with HR/Managers to assist in making the determination if a Fitness for Duty Evaluation is indicated
Identification of the appropriate professional in the community to conduct the Fitness for Duty Evaluation
Coordination of the Fitness for Duty Evaluation process (meeting with employee, arranging for evaluation appointment(s), communicating with the evaluator and the company, and facilitating referrals for any follow up recommendation indicated in Fitness for
*Costs for the ”Fitness for Duty Evaluation” are outside of Continuum EAP contracted services. Additional fees apply.